2006年5月17日 星期三

戰利品(三) - Sonicare頂級音波震動牙刷

這是大姐託我在Costco買的Philips Sonicare頂級音波震動牙刷。好像很不錯用。這個Blog有介紹,好像很好用喔。自己也想買一個...
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/amarylliss&article_id=6032324 Posted by Picasa

2006年5月12日 星期五

戰利品(二) - Cetaphil(舒特膚)

Cetaphil(舒特膚)的沐浴乳,兩瓶(591ml x2)只要$16.79!我在台灣買一瓶(250ml)就要650元。今天在costco看到。哇!趕快搶購

順便買了一罐他的保溼霜,好大一罐,只要9塊多.... 超划算。 Posted by Picasa

2006年5月11日 星期四


戰利品之ㄧ。在outlet store買的,因為Michelle有會員卡又有超超值折扣,只花1700台幣就買到了喲!

右腳後腳跟被我穿的時候弄到小石子刮花了。 Posted by Picasa



在美國工作其實慢慢有點忙起來了。桌上放著一疊等著要寄給客戶的invoice、 還有從洗手間A來的面紙。
Michelle(同事)提供的Costco的DM、週末要去Yosemite的旅遊資料、擤完鼻涕的面紙團 (因為感冒了、鼻涕倒流好嚴重)、加上帶來要吃的番茄。

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2006年5月5日 星期五

Inside #808

The room that will keep company with me for the next 3 mths is pretty cozy. I love the carpet especially, because it makes me feel really relax.
It also reminds me the good days when I was in Vancouver.
The dining room..... Now it's not only for drinking and dining. It's also the table for 2 note books, one hub, one PDA, one internet phone. Lots of wires under and on the table, just like a small lab.

When we plan our next trip with our good neighbors. Then it will become a meeting table. 4-5 notebooks will be put on it at the same time... Pretty interesting..

ps. 3 other UMCer living in Macara Gardens. They are the good neighbors.

A corner of the kitchen. ... Preparing meals is a big issue every day...
Posted by Picasa Living room.
There is only a small lamp in the living room. The lightbulb was just damaged days ago. It's kind of dark now. Nancy said maintenance man and another lamp will arrive tomorrow. Await for their coming.

Macara Gradens, Apt#808

Macara Gardens Apt#808 is where I am living at. HR/ Nancy said "8" is lucky for Chinese. I think she picked up this number sepcially. She is a nice woman. Our landloard, another Nancy, is a nice woman, too. She just offered me a free lamp because I complained the living room is too dark...


Bright sunshine... cool air...and good start...
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